コンサートで MXは、カセットテープとギターで演奏する. 彼らは、Fanø Free Folk Festivalと Festival of Endless Gratitudeで出演した事がある。
March 30th, 2012 @ Fuji, Omuta:
March 26th, 2012 @ Super Deluxe, Tokyo (+ Illreme):
March 31st, 2012 @ AtHall, Oita (+ Katsura Yamauchi):
"Awesome, weird and creative music from Denmark." - dyingforbadmusic.com
"...an amazing and flat out bizarre record! It reminds us a lot of the "ethnological forgery" of groups like Harappian Night Recordings and Sun City Girls, the hippie shamanism of Daniel Higgs and Ur-Dog, as well as the collective free-folk ingenuity of Kemialliset Ystavat. But for all the strangeness and noise, the songs seem more composed than improvised, full of beautiful otherworldly melodies and a stunning sense of DIY psychedelic exotica." - Aquarius Records